• Code: 10-114-084

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Red Rooibos tea with apple, cinnamon, pineapple, rose, cocoa beans, anise, almonds, cloves & pink pepper.

No caffeine.

Tea, also known as "Tion" in Katharevoussa, is considered one of the most widespread beverages worldwide and the most popular after water and coffee. The name and origin of the tea is Chinese and comes from the Camelia Sinesis plant.

Discovered in 2737 BC. by Emperor Shen Nung. According to the legend, some tea leaves drifted into the cup while he was pouring water, causing him to be enchanted by its sweet aroma. He was the first to discover its beneficial properties for the body.

Depending on the treatment they go through, the leaves are categorized into: Green, Black, White, Red and Oolong.

Main producing countries are: China, Japan, India, Taiwan and Sri Lanka.

Dosage: 1 teaspoon, about 2 g., for 250ml of water.

Ideal temperature: 100oC

For proper extraction, the drink must remain in the water for at least 5'

It is ideally combined with a little honey.

Taste Almond, Apple & Cinamon, Rose
Kind Hot Tea
Material Paper
Condition Suggested Product
Package 100 gr